Sunday 2 December 2012

Wounds 1

Using just things I found around the house, I experimented with what I could make that looks like something caused by pain. Because I used things that I found around the house, I didn't have materials such as liquid latex so I couldn't do big wounds so I focused on a small wound using lipstick, blusher, eye lash glue, one brush and some tweezers.
When the glue dried, it dried quite clear and not white which meant that it looked more like skin than glue. It stuck really well to the skin and when I used the tweezers to make a slit down the middle of the line that I had created, it was also really easy because the glue is flexible. I found different things that were in a red shade, different lipsticks and blusher and tried them to see which worked best or which would look most realistic and I think that using them all made it look most realistic but in my opinion, I don't think that the cut looks completely realistic when up close, more from a distance. I think that if the cut was smaller and maybe somewhere on the face, it would look more realistic. During experimenting with the cut, I tried to use fake skin but it made my skin rash, so when using certain products, I must make sure that they don't cause a reaction to the person that they're on.

I also found different shades of eye shadow which I tried to shade differently to create a bruise but the colours didn't very well and also I started off blending them on my hand, and a hand isn't really a place that a bruise would be effective, so I used my brothers face to see if I could make a realistic bruise but I feel that the colours aren't strong enough. The colours mixed and looked more brown than a greeny/purple that bruises usually are. When I have to resources, I will attempt to use other techniques to create bruises and cuts. 

When researching, I also came across two links which I would really like to try and adapt if I can get hold of the correct resources and both shouldn't cost too much.

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