Sunday 25 November 2012

deconstruction - the eye

The Eye -

Camera Angles 

  • First met with an establishing shot setting the scene in a dark and isolated place.
  • We see lots of close ups of objects, more than we see of faces.
  • Tight framing in the shots before she hangs herself, there is no escape.
  • The masked person before we see all of the other person, showing power and dominance with these camera angles.


  • Non Digetic music is being played in the background adding a disjointed effect to the whole scene, creating tension and anxiety. 
  • There is digetic sound of heavy breathing, and sobbing coming from a character that we cannot see the face of.
  • Can hear screams but cannot tell who makes these screams, assumption coming from a house, but it's in fact the people outside the house.

  • Jump cuts are featured throughout cutting to different shots, adding to the disjointed state.
  • Parallel editing used, we see people inside the house and outside, making both events in the scene related.
  • Mix different shots with blacked out shots.
Mise en scene

  • Dark shots.
  • Dry/Dead forest featured, potentially showing what is to happen.
  • "Bruja" - meaning "Witch" in Spanish is written on the door in red, conating blood, danger, and death.
  • Shadows used to see the people rather than them themselves.
  • Long wire is shown and an old fashioned chair.
  • Tear falls from an eye - linking back to the movie title. 

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