Sunday 11 November 2012

Deconstruction of film opening - Haunted Forest

I am once again going to use a horror movie set in a forest for my deconstruction

Camera Angles

Firstly Establishing shots are used to set the scene and emphasise where this is taking place, within a forest, also these establishing shots help conform to the connotations of a horror film by showing how isolated the destination is, only a waterfall, rocks and stream is shown and little sign of life is there except for the trees and the man.

Loose fitting is used in this shot however it is not used to signify that this man as some sort of choice or whatever as it doesn't match the situation, instead loose fitting is used in this situation to continue to emphasise how isolated the place is, by using loose framing you have made the shot wider so it is even more visible to see the lack of life around him

All camera shots are generally low angles to show who this character is, at the moment he seems to be an eager traveller exploring the great outdoors, however, as soon as we are aware of this creatures presence, the camera angles will soon change to high angle shots as he is now the least powerful entity in the situation.

This extreme close up shot makes the dominant the colour red, the colour values of the colour red due to the blood basically mean danger, this shot isn't exactly relevant as the injury is minor, but by showing this you make the viewers anticipate danger for this lone man in the forest.

This close up shot is the first sight we get of the creature that is stalking this man, it is a powerful shot as we now can see that this thing is coming from underground which makes it a lot more dangerous than we first anticipated.

Most directors use the eyes of a way of making you sympathise with someone or making you fear them, by doing this close up shot and showing the intense look in the eye of this creature you take away any way of the audience sympathising with it and you immediately make it just a dangerous creature.

  • A lot of eye line matches were used within the opening scene to show what was happening mainly through the victims eyes but sometimes through the creatures eyes, this made us see how much danger the man was in when he was unaware of it and also when in order to make us feel the anxiety he felt when faced with the creature we saw the situation through his eyes so we could feel his fear
  • Match of action is used when the protagonist of the scene is looking at his injury then putting the stick out of his leg
  • Most of the sound e.g. the backing tracks are non diagetic, as it runs through the entire opening scene
  • The diabetic sound is the sound of the nature around him e.g. the small waterfall, his footsteps of the various terrain
  • The swift noise that occurs when the creature passes the screen emphasises its speed as well as whatever power it may have
  • The intense non diagetic sound that appears when the hand emerges from the floor, is designed to make the audience jump
  • Shot within a forest
  • Man in late 30s used as protagonist in the opening scene
  • Grey looking monster used as the killer

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