Monday 4 February 2013

Slasher typography

When researching typography used within the same sub-genre as our film opening, it became clear that many stuck to the use of Serif fonts and using the colours red, black and white. The colour red connotes things such as blood, gore and danger and seeing as these are some of the things expected by the audience in a horror film, it fits the audiences expectations which is why it's repetitively used for the text.
The typography used for Scream is repetitive over the series of films which makes it unique to the film, the use of bold white writing makes it stand out against those all with similar red, serif titles. The use of white more than red is most likely because it's more modern than Prom Night, Texas Chainsaw and A Nightmare on Elm Street and the older films are those which conformed to the conventions more than now. Although the Smiley film is modern, it has stuck to the conventions and used a deep red for the title, a deeper shade of red to the older films, one that looks like a shade of blood rather than a bright red colour.
The Cornered! typography is the one that goes against the conventions mostly, with use of Sans Serif font and the colours green and white/grey, again one that is more modern than one that stuck to audiences. Into The Darkness and The Final Destination are another two typographies that subvert the audience expectations with a lack of the colour red within them, both being more modern.
The Final Destination text looks as though it's reflecting light, which linked to the smashed mirror in the graphology of the poster, it linked the two together. If we could incorporate something from within our opening/film with the typography, I think it'd be interesting and different.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Evaluation of filming day 2

With a few hours spare on a Saturday and with one of it main actors free from work, we decided to use these hours productively and film what we could with this one character, Heather. We thought that the weather had taken a turn for the worst when it began to spit on the way to the woods but it stopped which was good.

It took us approximately 45 minutes to film 4 shots and get them exactly how we wanted which we all thought was a good use of time as this means that if we stick to this pace, on our next filming day, we should be able to get a lot done in just a few hours. We would say that we have around 20% filmed now as we have to refill what we have already filmed because of certain issues with our characters being too over exaggerated and another changing their image.

Different Production Companies

  • Universal studios is a production company that has produced many of the top grossing films of all time, such as E.T and Jaws, this means that if it was to be used as our introduction people would notice straight away who we want to stage as the producers of this film as universal studios is a very prestigious company.
  • The films that Universal Studios usually produce are more of action/adventure films and they are not known for producing any horror films, therefore it wouldn't be a great production company to use as there are better companies we can use to support our genre.
  • Sony pictures animation is an animation company, responsible for the production of films such as 'Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs' , it is the animation section of sony pictures.
  • Clearly this wouldn't be acceptable to use as our company as it is an animation company so it wouldn't fit into the horror genre we wish to use.
  • Paramount pictures is another prestigious company responsible for the creation of films such as Star Trek and Mission Impossible.
  • Due to the bright nature of the intro clip, it wouldn't suit a horror film, therefore making it unusable for a horror film, also due to the type of films Paramount usually makes such as action/adventure films, horror wouldn't fit the usual films that they make so it wouldn't be a wise choice.

  • Lionsgate films is yet another prestigious film production company, responsible for films such as Expendables and American Psycho.
  •  Due to the red colour scheme of the introduction this could be used as the introduction, as the red can show danger or and connote to aspects in horror films such as blood which is indeed a strong convention in horror films.
  • Twisted pictures would be the perfect production company to use for our film opening due to the name and the logo, the word 'twisted' indicates that the film may be twisted or messed up, insisting that it will mess with the views mind
  • The barbed wire indicates danger, as barbed wire is dangerous it shows that the nature of the film will also be dangerous by nature, all of these reasons put together indicate what kind of film the viewer will expect.