Sunday 14 October 2012

Deconstruction of Bad Boys 2 Opening Scene - Seyi

Camera Angles

  • A low angle shot is used to show Will Smith and Martin Lawrence as they emerge from the KKK outfits, this shot is effective as even though they are black men surrounded by racist whites they still seem powerful in the situation.
  • This use of high angle shots is used throughout this scene as even though the odds seem low towards them they still hold their own through out the scene
  • Camera angle slightly hovers over Will Smith when using the over the shoulder shot where he is looking at the man holding his partner at gun point, this exaggerates the height difference between him and the man showing that he still has control over the situation
  • A close up of Will Smith's and Martin Lawrence's faces are used to show their reactions to the situation, this is sued well as you can see the intensity in Will's face where as you can see the submissiveness in Martin's as he in the one trying to calm the situation down.
  • Establishing shots of where the shootout is going to take place help set the scene due to the mist in the air that is more obvious due to the shot used, this mist adds an extra mystery to the scene also

  • Cutaways are used very well to create suspense when there is static between the two undercover cops and the swat team in the water, this means that you know more than the undercover cops themselves as you know how the situation might play out as you know that no connection has been established between the two parties
  • The main type of editing used is continuity editing so that you can literally see the tension build up from when the undercover cops reveal themselves to when the shootout starts, this way you can anticipate what is going to happen and it will give the viewer a feel of excitement in the same time as the actors
  • When you are facing the men in the water you hear a lot of nature's noises e.g. birds or any different animals within the surrounding forest, however they are much more exaggerated in their volume as you would not normally hear them, these noises create more suspense in the situation as it is if they are in an environment where they have less power in
  • The pace of the music builds up when one of the KKK henchmen tries to make a run for it, this pace speeds up until the gun clicks to one of the cops heads, this creates an unexpected stop to the music as the gun click is where the pace stops completely
  • Most sound is non diagetic, all of this is used to create or lose tension in the situation
  • The pace of the music escalates once again once the action builds up once more, use of electric guitars and drums to create a more action type feel in the situation, rather than a perilous one.
  • When a slow motion shot occurs, the sound also slows down allowing the whole scene to slow down, this allows you to slow down with the shot to see whats happening
  • Use of the mist to create a sense of mystery as you do not know 100% what is happening
  • Dirty clothing and unhygienic men used as the KKK men to show the uncivilised nature of the people 
  • Chemicals and bottles around as even though you don't see drugs you get a hint that that is what is going on in the background
  • Burning cross to show the intensity of the racist men's beliefs

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