Tuesday 4 December 2012

A Nightmare on Elm Street Deconstruction

  • this is a medium shot of a gaurd walking up to the cell of the boy in prison.
  • by having the boy sat up high and crouched it makes him look bigger than the guard.
  • although the guard is bigger that the convict, the convict takres up more of the shot making him the dominant.
  • this converts the usual convention that the boy has the power because being a convict he obviously doesnt.
  • by having the boy cruled up it shows him as quite child like. this shows the audience that although he is in prison he doesnt really belong there.
  • also the face he is almosed squeezed in the corner but the shot is loosely framed shows that although he feels he is trapped he still has the possibility to sort out the problem. 
  •  this is the first close up shot of the murderer that we see as an audience.
  • eventhough this is a close up of the murder he still does not reveal his whole face keeping his full identity still a mystery.
  • by having aclose up of the side of their faces means that you can still see the emotions on each of their faces and their reactions too.
  • the darkness of thsis shot also adds suspense beacause although you can see the boys face you have to look really closely to see the detail on the murderers face because he is more of an outline at a first look.
  • this shot has diagonal composition adding tension and anxiety to the shot.
  • This shot is shallow. Only one plane is in focus. this isolates the characters from the background of the shot.
  • The characters are centered in the frame meaning they are imbortant objects is the shot.
  • this shot has very tight framing showing the audience there is no escape for the boy.
  •  as i am the one in our group studying the music i chose this shot because of the way silence makes it effective.
  • before tis shot you have a point of view shot of the character looking for the murderer then you see this medium shot of the character being stabbed by him.
  • while the point of view shot is happening there is almost complete silence apart rom a couple of quiet digetic sounds.
  • this builds up tension as there is nothing (like non digetic music) to seperate you from the scene. the audience feel completely submerged in the story and feel like they are almost inside the film.
  • i like the idea of silence used this way because it is very effective when it comes to the fear factor and drwing the audience in.

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