Monday 3 December 2012

Vulnerability effects of Protagonists

Young child.

by having a young child as the protagonist it would play with the audiences emotions  they become very vulnerable when on their own because they cannot fend for themselves. by using a child protagonist it will build up the tension and fear in the audience. A young girl would play with the emotions more as a girl is seen to be more vulnerable that a boy but considering the age of the child would be between 5 and 14 a young girl would not be more vulnerable that a young boy.

Older teen.

Sometimes using an older teen can work in favour of vulnerability or not depending on how you portray the character. If you use a 14 year old girl that is quite and timid the audience will feel more fear for her if the murder comes to kill her becuase they know how quite, timid and vulnerable she would be. Whereas compared to if we chose a 19 year old boy the audience would not feel as  much fear because he would more likely be able to defend himself.

An adult

an adult protagonist doesnt particularly strike and audience as vulnerable but obviously still does show a little vulnerability but not as much as the other groups of people. for a child/teen audience an adult is someone they look up to meaning they wouldnt see an adult as tvery vunerable as they have seen adults fend for themselves. an adult audience would feel silight more scared for an adult because they dont look up to them and may even think of them in that position.

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