Monday 10 December 2012

The use of nursery rhymes to create fear and suspense.

By using nursery rhymes it allows the audience to delve into their past making them scarier. If we use a child protagonist nursery rhymes would fit in really well.

here are some inspiration examples of how i can use nursery rhymes to create fear and suspense.

  • this is my favourite one of all the nursery rhymes because it has so many different reasons why it is scary.
  •  it uses a violin sound over the top of the nursery rhyme that almost represents a child screaming.
  • it then uses thoses violins to shound like wind blowing by using a low tremelo.
  • at the end it uses a slight drum beat to sound like a train going over a track
  • then it makes the sound of a train whistle and fades to end the song which leaves the audience one the edge of their seat and leaves them wanting to know more.
  • one thing i would change on this though is you cant really hear the nursery rhyme as much as i would like and so i would turn the gain up.

  • this is scary because the voice is uncomfortably high pitched.
  • it also has no backing or sound and so is just purely voice bringing a sort of creepiesness to it.
  • i like the childlike giggle at the end of this one because it makes a noise that would usually not be scray but would be cute and turns it to give the audience chills.
  • this one is not necessarilly scary it is more creepy.
  • the gain on the voice haas been turned up and the EQ has been turned down causing the almost tinny efect on the voice.
  • just like the one before there is no backing track to it and so it causes the audience to listen to the voice asnd words making it scarier for them.
  • one thing i dont like about this one is at the end when the child says 'we all fall down' she says it going up the major scale. this almost breaks the creepy effect and changes the mood of the song we just heard.

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