Tuesday 11 December 2012

Wounds continued.

When researching tutorial videos/instruction links on how to create wounds, many of them used theatrical modelling wax so I ordered some and whilst waiting for it to arrive I decided to try and use eye lash glue again to attempt to create a bigger wound to see if it would work. I used 3 different shades of lipsticks as they were all I had at the time but because one was a skin tone just tinted red which made the skin around it look sore, I had a burgundy colour and a red one and tried to use them both together to make the inside of the fake cut look sore/bloody but I feel that if I could've had something a few shades darker, it could've made it look more realistic as the cut would've been made to look as though it was deeper. Up close it doesn't look realistic but I feel that with more makeup it could be made to. From a far I think that it does actually look pretty realistic and I used dark shades of blushed on my arms to make it look as though it'd been bruised/battered. 

When the modelling wax arrived, I'd also gathered together some face paints and foundation. I found the modelling wax really hard to work with as it wasn't really sticking to my skin so I had to use eyelash glue to keep it stuck on, it also kept peeling off at the corners, I used a spoon to smooth down the edges on to my skin to make it look as thought the fake skin was in fact my skin but it didn't smooth very well and kept coming off so I tried gluing it to my skin again using eye lash glue and it worked to keep the wax to my skin but the edges were still rough and were not going smoother, just breaking off. So I left the shape I'd made on my arm with the wax and moved on to using the facepaint to make it look bloody. I used black, green and red, mixing the black and red to make a darker shade of red, more of a bloody shade. I think that the colours look realistic, and from a far it could look believable but I think that the modelling wax was an issue as it wouldn't mold into a shape that was easier to work with without breaking. I feel that in the photo highlighted yellow is where this technique looks most realistic. 

I also tried creating scars with the eyelash glue and also the modelling wax, and I think that the eyelash glue looks more realistic than the modelling wax. I just covered the eyelash glue (right) with foundation when it was dry which made a raised line which could appear as a scar and looks realistic. I feel that the modelling wax (left) does look realistic but the foundation didn't stick to it as well and it still looks a different colour to my skin. 

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