Sunday 25 November 2012

Deconstuction - The Mist (Supermarket Scene)

Camera Angles

  • High angle shot to decrease the amount of power in the situation, in this shot they have just come into the back of the supermarket to confront whatever it is outside of the store, as they do not yet know what is outside of the store in order to diminish their power a high angle shot is used as they have little power in the shot due to the fact that they do not know what they are up against

  • The protagonist is always shot at a higher angle to the man trying to confront him, this is because within the conversation the protagonist has the more intelligent argument so he is never belittled by the other man, even though the other man is constantly trying to assert his authority onto him, even though the height difference is blatant, no attempt to try and equalise them has been made
  • This close up shot isn't to make you notice any features on his face but to create a tight fitting shot, by making the framing of this shot tight you take away the amount of choice he has left in the situation and in this case due to the monster he is facing this shot reduces his choice in whether he lives or dies
  • This shot is effective due to where the camera is placed and his body positioning, its on the same angle as the man but placed on the floor, it links in with his outstretched arm as it shows the little percentage of his body that we can see and how much has been claimed by the monster

  • Many eye line matches are used in this part of the film due to the monster that has confronted them, what they have done is that they have shown the tentacle that has grabbed this man and shown the fight to keep him alive, the eye line matches show the reaction of someone within the argument and then the piece of action that they are looking at, this was used very well as the actors reactions matched perfectly what was going on
  • When the tentacle grabs the man, there is a fast paced non diagetic drum beat that continues all the way till he dies, this resembles the fast past action going on in shot.
  • When the argument starts there is no non diagetic sound at all in the shot in order to not give away too much about what is about to happen, it leaves us guessing
  • There is a breeze type sound which resembles the movement of the mist as it blows across the shot
  • Super market
  • shot in a thick mist
  • Relatively abandoned in this situation
  • Mostly workers about
  • 50/50 mix between women and men in shot

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