Shaun of the Dead and 28 Weeks Later.

When looking at the costumes used for zombies in films, they seem to always be dressed in normal clothes that have just been blood stained. Also the use of contact lenses to change the colour of the characters eyes are used in Shaun of the Dead which separates them from the other characters within the films that are human.

American Psycho.

Throughout American Psycho, Patrick, the protagonist wears this costume, it subverts the audiences expectations of his character as he is a murderer dressed in what seems to be just a normal business man's suit, and the audiences expectations of a man in a suit is just a working class man, who works somewhere like the city. His suit looks very pristine all of the time, which reflects his character which is revealed to us in the opening of the film and how that he cares very much about his appearance, we begin to understand his vanity, yet has no emotions. During the film, he puts on a plastic anorak type jacket which allows him to axe another character to death, preventing any harm to his immaculate suit, when he is done with the murder, he removes the jacket to reveal his suit again to show that it has gone unaffected by the murder, just like the character has.

This costume that is worn by Esther in Orphan contrasts with the character that she is. The audiences expectations of this character would be an innocent child, as that is usually how children are perceived and her outfit suggests no different to that at a first glance. This contrasts widely with the idea of good vs evil, with her being evil whilst dressed in a child's outfit. The old fashioned dress that she is wearing is collared and patterned which suggests that she is one of many. Also her ribbon around her neck and wrist are both a deep shade of red, which connote death. Her hair is slicked back with ribbons, which again adds to her innocence and to the fact that she is a child contrasting with the evil character that she actually is.
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