Saturday 17 November 2012

Graveyard Scene Deconstruction (Drag Me to Hell) - Seyi

  • The use of the graveyard means that all establishing shots will capture all of the graves within the picture, adding suspense and mystery to the location, the size of some of the graves diminishes the dominant (the open grave) as it makes it appear a lot smaller to the viewer so it takes away all of her power, by using the graveyard from a high angle establishing shot you make whatever the focus is not powerful in the daunting surroundings.

  • Within a graveyard you have many daunting figures around such as gravestones etc, with the lighting you illuminate the name which may have some significance to the storyline which in this case it does.

  •  By using the dug up grave you create many verticals within the picture, you are therefore now giving the dominant power within the situation. This is another method of utilising the graveyard in order to create an effect

  • With the resources you could utilise a graveyards main asset, corpses, as corpses are plentiful in graveyards if you wished to use one you easily could due to the appropriate setting you are in

  • By utilising corpses you need to incorporate the attributes of a corpse, this is showing rigamortis, this is making the scene as realistic as possible as the hand she is grabbing is showing all the symptoms, and also the use of maggots with the decomposing body which also shows how realistic they wish to make the scene.


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