Monday 26 November 2012

Shroom Forest and Clip deconstruction

  • This is an establishing shot of the woods.
  • by using this shot it shows all the trees which create vertical lines. this conforms to the convention of strength because this is the location that the murder is at his strongest.
  • the shot has an almost green tinge to it showing the audience the corruption of the murderer.
  • the lighting is very low key to show that they are at a 'deep, dark forest'. this makes it more scary for the audience.
  • it is an eyelevel shot to show what the people in the film would see if they were stood here.

  • this is a close up shot of two characters in the woods.
  • again the trees are create vertical lines conforms to the convention of strength because this is the location that the murder is at his strongest especially as there are two people in there now to kill.
  • in this shot one of the trees also creates a diagonal adding tension to the scene.
  • the blue hat that the character on the left is wearing subverts the characterisitcs of the character. the blue hat should represent masculinilty and calmness but the boy is acting quite child like as he is worrying about the murderer.
  • on the other hand the black clothes worn by the character on the right conform to the situation very heavilly. for example both his hair and coat are black showing the mystery of the killer, the sufferignt hey are both going through or about to go through and the threat the killer has on their life.
  • the characters are at a personal distance showin the audience they are friends and not alone.
  • the framing in this shot is moderately loose showing the audience that it is possible to get away from the killer but it is very unlikely. 
  • This shot is a medium shot of one of the characters.
  • the lighting in this shot contrasts as there are parts where you can see just the sky then parts that have dark parts showing tradgey.
  • the colour blue is used in both his top and hat which again subverts the characterisitcs of the character. you can also see that he subverts the convention of masculinty and calm by the expression on his face.
  • the composition in this scene is very vertical. the character subverts the sense of strength by his facial expression.
  • the character is show at the edge of the shot showing that there is nothing he can do about his murder and that he is insignificant as he cant do anything about it.
  • this is an open shot to show the whole surroundngs of the woods.

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