Monday 5 November 2012

Inspiration (Forest Location) - Seyi

For my inspiration I decided to use the forest scene from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 1 as in my final piece we wished to film within a forest, I wanted to see how forests can be utilised to create effect.

The use of tall trees can help represent power, by shooting in a forest, especially a well built forest where lots of tall trees are easily visible you therefore give the person in front of them some sort of power as the composition of the shot is mainly vertical and vertical lines in terms of composition represent power

By using the trees in the background you can make the framing of this shot more tight than if you used a tight framing shot without trees in the background, the trees reduce the amount of free space within the picture making the framing even tighter therefore enforcing the message that the shot is trying to come across, this is effective as you can easily use what you have been given e.g. trees and make it a powerful tool.

There is no need for eccentric lighting because all natural lighting can be controlled by the trees overhead, also the green leaves sets an interesting green colour in the shot, the colour green can signify nature and nature is being reinforced here due to the fact they are in a forest, however the shade of green is significant as it is a murky shade of green it indicates something is clearly wrong in the situation

The large amount of space within a forest means that a lot of action can be shot in one shot with the surroundings still being intact, within a dense forest a lot of space is still visible once you step inside it meaning that if you ever need to show a shot with two people and where action is within a shot you can easily portray all of these things easily within a forest.

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