Monday 19 November 2012

Photos of A Graveyard (Location)

  • I had a particular interest in this photo as the graves within this photo stretch for many metres, this   picture would be effective if you we're to look at something or dangerous very far away as you would be able to pull off some really good long shots from here

  •  I liked this photo as by putting the camera at this angle and shooting this line you see a lot of graves all lined up in formation as if they were resembling an army or a force of many people, this is a daunting sight as in films such as zombie films it makes you think of the danger that would occur if for example all of the bodies were to come alive etc, things like this can be utilised to create a very good effect

  •  This entrance could also be used for a long shot however you can also create a tight fitting shot if you shoot this correctly, the narrowness of the entrance could make a great tight fitting shot which would portray whatever you wished it to portray depending on the situation

  •  This next shot wouldn't be helpful due to the house in the background, if we were trying to make the shot come across as isolated in order to conform to the conventions of a horror film the house would take away that isolation there fore giving the victims more hope that we'd like to put across.

  • This shot resembles the one above where the use of many gravestones can create fear, the shot stretches making you see may gravestones.

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