Monday 26 November 2012


As part of our research, as a group we created a 10 multiple-choice answer questionnaire. We posted the links on Twitter which got us enough responses to reach our target of 70 responses, this also means that most of the answers are from people that are our target audience.

1. Location: Where would you find a horror scene scariest/most effective?
  • Forest
  • Warehouse
  • Graveyard
  • Haunted house
2. Cast: Which group of people would you find best to fit in a horror film?
  • Group of teens
  • mixed age group
  • group of children
3. Type: What type of horror would you prefer to see?
  • Psychological
  • Slasher (killing off characters one at a time)
  • Supernatural e.g possession, ghosts, paranormal activities. 
4. Type of villain (camera angle): What view of the villain would you prefer to have?
  • Point of View from the villain 
  • From the perspective of the victim 
  • I'd rather not see the villain within the opening
  • I'd prefer to see the villain in the opening
5. Type of villain (appearance): What would you prefer the villain to look like?
  • Clean cut
  • Dirty/grimy
  • Intimidating
  • Quiet/timid
6. If a child was used as a villain, do you think it could be as effective as an adult?
  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

7. What scares you the most out of the following?
  • The supernatural
  • Being trapped/entrapment
  • Darkness
  • Fear of the unknown
8. Do you think that gore and blood is effective?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes
9. Sound: Do you think that silence is effective in creating tension?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes
10. Do you think that a soundtrack creates tension?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes

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