Sunday 4 November 2012

Dracula deconstruction

Dracula deconstruction

  • The pivot of the camera around the 180* degree rule allow the viewer to get a feel for the intimate distance between the characters which makes us think that the two characters have no problem with each other and comfortable. 
  • The diegetic sound of them having a conversation with background noise from the social event which they're at also makes the audience see that she is comfortable with him as is he with her.
  • The green attire that she is wearing may foreshadow the event that's about to happen to her, also the similar colour that he wears links him to her. The fact that we cannot see much of his face hides his identity much more than if he was clean shaven with no glasses which makes him appear suspicious to the audience. 
  • The non-diegetic low note that is heard at 0:45 indicates that something negative is about to happen, warns the audience that the characters were not actually comfortable with each other and that something is about to happen between them.

  • The diagonal line created by the orange curtain maybe suggests that the things behind the curtain are somewhat negative, wrong or out of the norm. The orange of the curtains may also indicate that they're cutting them off from what's on the other side of the curtain, where things are normal and optimistic. 
  • Everything surrounding him blurs within this shot whilst his eyes turn red and his fangs become apparent, suggesting that now everything is separate from him. 
  • The non-diegetic sound that is paired with the shot, gradually gets higher and louder, it adds to the tension of the situation.

  • Shot from a low angle, shows the power that he has over the animal that we have just seen that intimidates the girl, yet the animal is intimidated by him. We also see the people flee when the animal is set free yet this man is controlling him with no problems.
  • The non-diegetic sound has become a lot slower and calmer so the panic of the situation has died down at this point and the intimate distance between the characters happens again. We're also shown a close up of the two overlapping their hands whilst stroking the pure white dog, suggesting that maybe the two gloves, green and black on top of the white, are the corruption within pureness maybe.

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