Friday 16 November 2012

Enter the Void

  • The use of Point of View shot made extremely more realistic with the illusion of blinking editing in, makes it realistic to the audience as though they are literally seeing through the characters eyes not just from his point of view. Even when the character puts his hands over his face, the editing makes the audience see the hands come over his face.

  • The shot isn't very clear, the room looks blurry and at some points as though it is spinning which helps the audience to understand how the character is feeling and again see exactly what the character is seeing

  • Canted angles are used, they make the shot appear as though it's tilted which happens a lot throughout this shot. They help to indicate the movement of the characters head and maked the shot more realistic.

  • With the room spinning and being able to hear his thoughts, we gain the understanding that nothing is right in the view of the character.
  • Diegetic sound is unclear, their his thoughts, maybe suggesting the drugs have made his thoughts unclear as well as his vision.

  • In this shot, it appears as though that the image is being repeated, like there's two of everything that the character is seeing. It helps the viewer to see exactly what the character is seeing and how he is seeing it. 

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