Sunday 4 November 2012

Editing Inspiration

The Ring 

  • Uses continuity editing to tell the story. first we see the photography card and next she has photographs developed.
  • Lots of eye line matches are used, to show emotion when looking at different objects, for example the pictures and the video.

  • With many other horror films, typically features are enhanced, such as the TV and it's flickers in this scene.

The Video Tape - The most iconic part of the movie.
  • 'The tape' uses a lot of different editing techniques combined in order to make the scene feel disjointed and disturbing.
  • The majority of shots use jump cuts from one to another to create a mild sense of confusion with the link between all the images.
  • Graphic match was used with the hair being brushed, and then we see a girl brushing her long black hair.
  • Juxtaposition is present when placing the two mirrors on the same wall, however onece with a seemingly innocent girl, the next shot we see a deadly girl.
  • A flashback of the tree is used in 0.38 and 0.54 emphasing it's importance.
  • Colours of black, white, grey, off blue, off green, and dark red are used to connote the danger and death that is featured.
  • Parallel editing is used when we see a white house and then a jump cut to a view of the ocean. 0.30 - 0.32.

Shaun of the Dead 

  • Jump cuts used to go between different shots and shows a movement in time.
  • Eye line match to zombies, as  they look into their eyes.

From these horror films, I have come to the  conclusion that the most effective editing techniques that are to be used in horror films are jump cuts, in order to make the story more effective and to add tension and disfunctionality too the story. 

Eye line matches are also used in order to add effectiveness, this creates tension due to the fact you can see the anxiety in the protagonists face, and then see what they are looking at.

We must make sure that we incorporate these editing techniques in our own opening sequence. 

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